Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo

Brilliance Magazine

Magazine: a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest.

Here’s the story of Brilliance Magazine: it has never been done, or even thought before. Back when the company was born, let alone social media – even cell phones are still the size of a brick, as we can recall. So marketing is done the traditional and still the best way yet: by mouth to mouth.

But now it is 2022 and change is mandatory. It’s not the fastest, or the strongest that survives, it’s the one that is able to adapt. That’s why when our Director was thinking of ways to improve the company, he realized that one of the areas that needed to be improved is marketing. And it came to him that marketing through pictures and media is one of the best ways, since the human eye appreciates visual illustration better than just words. And that’s how Brilliance Magazine was born.

Brilliance Magazine was merely an idea… Keyword: “was.” It has been Mr. Samuel’s dream to make the magazine a reality. Then in October 2021, the 1st ever edition of the Magazine was printed, and is now a permanent part of the company. It serves as an informative, yet somehow artistic form to tell more stories about the company.

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