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Project Overview : KRN Jetty Phase III - Balikpapan, East Kalimantan - Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo

Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo

Project Overview : KRN Jetty Phase III – Balikpapan, East Kalimantan

As we stated in our history, we are here to support industrial growth. It has been that way since 1998, and we will continue to do so. Without proper facilities, how can an industry function properly; without proper supporting infrastructures and buildings, how can a streamlined process be achieved?

The Construction of Jetty KRN Project Phase III – Balikpapan is one of our flagship projects. The main goal is for 22 ships to be able to berth at the site at once, ranging from 5,000 DWT up to 60,000 DWT. P.T. Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo was entrusted by P.T. Kutai Refinery Nusantara, as the owner of the project to perform construction, installation of supporting facilities, and mechanical (piping) work of this project.

The Project was divided into 6 main areas: Export Solid, Export Liquid, CPO Jetty, CPKO Jetty, BCL, and Water Intake Platform. The Export Solid and Export Liquid has the capacity of 60,000 DWT for the Solid and 20,000 DWT for the liquid, and this jetty is utilized by the owner – P.T. Kutai Refinery Nusantara starting back in August 2021.
The team was led by Ir. Rudolf Hutagalung as the Project Manager and Mr. Sardiman Sinurat, S.T. as the Site Manager.

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