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Oil and Gas - Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo

Cemerlang Samudra Kontrindo

Oil and Gas

Supporting Major Clients and Indonesia’s Industrial Growth.

The Oil and Gas Construction that we do includes Production Facilities, Gas Distribution Station, Pipelines, to Storage Tanks and General Civil Works for Oil & Gas Services. Our latest offshore Oil & Gas Project supports the RDMP (Refinery Development Master Plant) Mega Project in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

Fasilitas industri yang mengolah minyak mentah menjadi produk petroleum maupun produk lain.

Industrial facilities that process crude oil into petroleum products and other products.

Menara dimana semua gas yang telah dipisahkan dari minyak dan tidak termanfaatkan akan dialirkan ke flare stack untuk dibakar, merupakan fasilitias penting untuk menunjang operasional kilang minyak.

A tower where all the gas that has been separated from oil and is not utilized will be channeled to the flare stack to be burned, is an important facility to support oil refinery operations.

Pipa penyalur fluida hasil produksi yang biasanya berupa minyak dan gas dari suatu titik distribusi ke titik distribusi lainnya.

Pipes for distributing fluid produced from production which are usually in the form of oil and gas from one distribution point to another distribution point.

Pekerjaan Sipil untuk mendukung stasiun gas yang merupakan titik distribusi minyak dan/atau gas.

Civil works to support gas stations which are distribution points for oil and/or gas.

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